Stirrings of the Heart
A cold winter’s day just seems to call for a nice hot bowl of homemade soup or maybe some chili, don’t you agree? These certainly are comfort foods in my book, any day, but even more welcoming when there is a chill in the air. I just love the aroma of all the different spices and ingredients that have been combined. As they simmer on the stove and are gently stirred, the soothing scent begins to fill the air.
As I have prepared such comfort foods for my family, I have found myself imagining God lovingly doing much the same for us. I began to picture our hearts as that vessel that God is filling with all the different spices and ingredients to make that perfect combination. I imagine He adds a dash of joy and cup of love and, alas, the waters start to stir. Next He sprinkles in some patience, followed by a heaping tablespoon of self-control. A cup or so of faithfulness is the next ingredient, causing quite a stir. A handful of peace and several pinches of goodness are both added. Then, last but not least, a sprinkling of kindness on top. I can just imagine God smiling at what He has just done as He begins to gently stir the waters…causing what I like to call…Stirrings of the Heart.
I think we’ve all had days that may turn into weeks when the waters of our hearts seem to remain still, with maybe a ripple or two, but not enough to cause a much needed stir. All of these wonderful ingredients that God has carefully and lovingly added seem to have settled on the bottom. Our hearts have become cloudy with heaviness and possibly cold. But isn’t it just like our loving, all-knowing God, to notice the stillness of our hearts and reach down to warm and stir the waters, bringing these flavorful and delightful “spices” up from the bottom, combining them perfectly, once again. He may do so by a kind word or action from a friend, the beautiful lyrics and melody of a favorite song, or possibly an unexpected hug. God can cause Stirrings of the Heart in endless ways. Each “stirring” bringing a returned joy, peace and hope from a God who knows our hearts like no other.
Thank you, Lord, for those precious Stirrings of the Heart…
Debbie Pedigo
Scripture Reference: Galatians 5:22-23 (Fruit of the Spirit)
Latest comments
What a wonderful and beautiful story
Thank you you for sharing it with us
Your mom was a talented poet . You should compile them all into a book for your family and friends—they came straight from her heart❣️
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